A Journey Of A Million Socks, Started With A Single Step

Every journey begins somewhere, our mission to donate a million pairs of socks every year, which can only become a reality with your help and support, started back in 2002.

A man on a mission

Working in London, my journey from Marylebone train station or Euston station then walk to Mayfair would always pass a growing number of homeless people. I started buying sandwiches and bottles of water from local supermarkets.

It multiplied quickly to over ten sandwiches, small bottles of water and packets of crisps where I would add them to little bags for each person and often sit down and get to know the person and their story.

Sitting with them eating a sandwich and drinking a cup of tea, I knew that I had to do more to help the homeless people who through a variety of circumstances found themselves in this position.

65,000 hot meals for the homeless and growing

In March 2014 I set up a not for profit organisation feeding homeless people in Birmingham along with my good friend Mr “T”.

Seven nights a week, we would provide curry and rice along with tea but quickly managed to grow this to over 65,000 hot and takeaway meals for homeless and venerable people every year.

Talking to each of these people, we realised a desperate need to provide them with more than food. Items such as toiletries, socks, gloves and hats during the winter. For more information and how you can help, please visit homelessone.org

Launching Kindsox.com & How you can help

When I turned 65 in 2020, most people would be happy to settle back and enjoy their pension, but I became energized to use my time in helping underserved communities.

I started Kindsox.com with a simple concept for every pair of socks we sell we can donate a free pair of socks to the homeless and needy.

Our mission to donate a million pairs of socks every year needs your help. Together we can make a difference to others who have just had some unfortunate circumstances that led them to this position on the streets and homeless.

To support, please visit Kindsox.com Together we really can make a difference to these people’s lives by helping achieve the million homeless socks donation every year.

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